Wasanelder Once:- " It's kinda vague"
I agree, but a little more diplomatic and I hope effective than " I No longer attend the Kingdom Hall because your Organisation is nothing more than a disgusting con, run by evil minded little creeps"
The Rebel.
yesterday a witness friend asks why i don't attend the k.h anymore.. me:- " i don't say this often but your j.ws opinion is wrong" .
the end.. my reasons for this simple reply were:-.
a) i have grown tied of reading j.w crap.
Wasanelder Once:- " It's kinda vague"
I agree, but a little more diplomatic and I hope effective than " I No longer attend the Kingdom Hall because your Organisation is nothing more than a disgusting con, run by evil minded little creeps"
The Rebel.
yesterday a witness friend asks why i don't attend the k.h anymore.. me:- " i don't say this often but your j.ws opinion is wrong" .
the end.. my reasons for this simple reply were:-.
a) i have grown tied of reading j.w crap.
Yesterday a witness friend asks why I don't attend the K.H anymore.
Me:- " I don't say this often but YOUR J.Ws opinion is wrong"
My reasons for this simple reply were:-
a) I have grown tied of reading J.W CRAP
b) I have grown tied of pointing out J.W CRAP.
Everything they believe is " ASUMPTION". You can't go through life believing "other" people's ASSUPTIONS. And it always seems pointless to debate.
I am not sure if my simple answer will have an impact? I doubt it. But then in the past voicing my deeper concerns about the W.T have only bought trouble for me.
Do you think my " I don't say this often but YOUR J.W. opinion is wrong" and then leaving it at that was :-
a) Lazy
b) Effective.
Answers can be, Yes, No, Possibly and even ASSUMPTIVE:-)
The Rebel.
i went through the original footage to get a good look at the watch.. from these pictures we can probably say that it is a apple watch and that it has a golden color.
the color on the pin is black, and the band is white, grey, silvery or beige.. .
the pin is in the exact place for it to be a apple watch.. only apple watch edition have the gold color.
This subject and subsequent posts has opened my eyes to how afflulence in my former congregation works:-
a) All the Elders were very conservative and home owners.
b) Eldership was like " a jolly boys club"
c) A " spiritual brother" living less affluantly would find the jump from " ministerial servant" to " Elder" would take longer.
d) I believe it would take a similar " conservative" outlook to really fit in to the "Elder circle"
Affordability and Golden Apple watches.
An additional point. If you live in an affluent area and you own your property you are a wealthy person. Many areas in London property goes up 15% a year. That is a lot of money. Now if you have a small mortgage on that property, and a salary, you have a lot of disposable income.
Now this is the interesting observation.
Most elders I noted didn't wear EXSPENSIVE watches nor did they drive FLASHEY cars. They did however I noted spend money, extending their property, adding conservatories, new kitchens, bathrooms, ect. And they took good holidays.
The interesting observation to me was how the congregation seemed to view extravegent and non extravegent expenditure. Personally when I was a young man I always resented being told by a non pioneering, property owning Elder to reach out and pioneer.
Why didn't they downgrade their property or go live in a bed sit and pioneer?
The Rebel.
scotus: kentucky clerk must issue same-sex marriage licenses.
by ariane de vogue, cnn supreme court reporter.
updated 8:02 pm et, mon august 31, 2015. let's hope this is the final screech from the haters who wrap themselves in the bible - or their egoist political philosophy i doubt it will be, but let's hope..
you're the greatest Viviane, and I am sure I am speaking on behalf of the entire board. Well perhaps not.
Personally as I stated in my opinion " fisher person" made a legitimate contribution to this thread. I do not believe she is a troll.
What is a troll?
So you answer "Rebel shows up to be confused by words and there meanings and troll on as well" ( never did you make such comments when I shared your opinion)
So much for a discussion or answering questions that i raised.
So whilst I do not agree with fisherpersons comments, do not say " I iam confused by words" That is a cheap cop out by an ego that prefers inhaling cyanide, than respecting the fresh air and viewpoint of another's opinion.
The Rebel.
my brother [the elder] often refers to this line as to 'knowing a tree by it;s fruits'.
so,my question is what are the jw fruits?.
just asking....sincerely.
We'll thank you for that observation " disposable Hero of Hypocricy" and your right " some may get through an entire life in the bOrg benefited ( only because they they KNOW NO better ) I would say it's because they lack knowledge and NO, KNOW better.
But then we all someday should have to look back from the mirror, and the amount of hairspray we put in our hair, has little to do with who we are inside.
The Rebel.
scotus: kentucky clerk must issue same-sex marriage licenses.
by ariane de vogue, cnn supreme court reporter.
updated 8:02 pm et, mon august 31, 2015. let's hope this is the final screech from the haters who wrap themselves in the bible - or their egoist political philosophy i doubt it will be, but let's hope..
In fairness what is a troll?
Has " fisherperson" made a legitimate contribution to this thread?
If so in my opinion she is not a troll.
Everything depends on words and our interpretation of words. Personally I do not agree with her words, but they have produced for me thoughts. Those thoughts I have not slept on but instead allowed challenge my thinking.
The Rebel.
my brother [the elder] often refers to this line as to 'knowing a tree by it;s fruits'.
so,my question is what are the jw fruits?.
just asking....sincerely.
Well "disposable hero of hypocrocy " you raise fair points. Personally I would answer your post:-
For some it takes longer for the smoke to clear. Therefore no hangman rope from me to your comment, but I don't see it your way.
The Rebel
p.s The Watchtoer never made me a better man. And I don't thank it for the times it gave me.
in the latest jw broadcast splane is quoted as saying:.
"suppose there was a man who died 10 minutes before joseph was born.
would he be part of joseph's generation?
Punk in my day rock stars hullusinated on drugs, lost consciousness and expressed themselves in great songs such as " won't get fooled again"
Personally I am not sure what acid our " Rock Star" Splane is on, but I would sure like to try some. It seems to bypass common sence and reality...
The Rebel.
ok here is my 2 cents they are getting complaints concerning the drum beat that goes we are in the last hour of last min bla bla bla and people are tired and want system to end so if the system is ended sooon then why are there new partakers assuming that most have the actually calling.
so now we have a problem how do we fix it?
simple just say those new annointed are not part of this generation so now if we appoint younger guys to gb not to worry there not a part of this generation.
Blues Brother, the answer you received back from the society makes as much sence as this:-
Dear Brother.
Thank you very much for your sweet letter. You asked for some clarification on the " generation interpretation"
Oh I could give you a big hug! Bless you for your sincere question.
And. having read your simply darling comments about your understanding of " The Generation interpretation" We give you the clarity you ask for:-
Please note the article in " The Watchtower 15th" now has a broader meaning so :-
A) Shouldnt your heart be in your mouth?
B) The excitement! of the latest clarification is something our past generations of brothers would have longed to have knowledge of.
C) The greater understanding we now have, it shows Jehovers blessing.
Still, MUST NOW DASH......
" We send you warm Christian love and best wishes"
" Your brothers in Jehovers service"
p.s we have sent your letter of concern to the elders in your congregation who will happily give a fuller explanation to your questions, in more personal and private surroundings.
The Rebel.
my brother [the elder] often refers to this line as to 'knowing a tree by it;s fruits'.
so,my question is what are the jw fruits?.
just asking....sincerely.
Great thread TTWSYF.:- " What ARE the fruits the J.W tree produces?
According to the Kingdom News no 7 :-
"It strengthens families and upholds high MORAL standards"
Personally I would say some words have no MORALS.
So the Moral of my post, whoever allows themselves to believe the Moral system of the watchtower is valid, basically is lacking in Morals.
So to answer your question the fruit the J.W tree produces is whipped and broken souls, with a shallow Moral compass. But they of course don't see it that way.
The Rebel.